
Art | Game | Anime | Manga

I’m Hinata Yoyo, welcome to 。+゚ヽ(・∀・ヽ)スッキ(ノ・∀・)ノ スキスキ 。+゚ (sukki, sukisuki)

This blog is a personal and self-entertaining blog with some babbles about art, games, anime, manga, and myself.

Please BE AWARE that from time to time you will be seeing slangs/idioms, emoticons, minimal Japanese and Mandarin, 絵文字(emoji), and other similar stuff since this blog is supposed to be lighthearted with no ruffles, and stuff I like are mostly from Japan/Taiwan/China. ❤ ❤ ❤
However, I would be trying my best to be blogging in English only, for other people who are interested in my Japanese only blog→。+゚ヽ(・∀・ヽ)スッキ(ノ・∀・)ノ スキスキ 。+゚

Some more serious topics such as game reviews, and other discussions will be written in a less carefree manner; I tend to speak in a more objective perspective instead of a subjective perspective.
Also, please pardon me if I’ve got typos, grammatical errors, wordiness, and lengthy posts. I always slack off on proofreading… Nevertheless, I do appreciate corrections, feedback, and comments.
So, if you find any mistakes or something you would like to say, bring it on!

By the way, I try my best to avoid using any swear words, so I might be using some words referring to games as swear words. (i.e. Crisis Core! = Jesus Christ!, Moogle = MOFO.) XD

Some favourite seiyuus:
❤ ❤ ❤ 鳥海浩輔、中村悠一、緑川光、谷山紀章、福山潤、津田健次郎、保志総一朗
❤ ❤ 諏訪部順一、立花慎之介、梶裕貴、鈴木達央、島崎信長、宮野真守、鈴村健一、柿原徹也、下野紘、杉田智和
❤ 櫻井孝宏、宮下栄治、日野聡、江口拓也、代永翼、森田成一、入野自由、浪川大輔、岸尾だいすけ、檜山修之、近藤隆

❤ ❤ ❤ = thank god for creating masterpieces!!
❤ ❤ = love their voice but THEY ARE SO FUNNY
❤ = can’t miss them out

I’m too lazy to search up how to type up their romaji, so stick with google search.

Feel free to talk/comment/contact me.

。+゚ヽ(・∀・ヽ)スッキ(ノ・∀・)ノ スキスキ 。+゚ | 日本語ブログ
晨曦‧DAWN | Collab Site (with Key)

Latest Update: Oct 28, 2019

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